¿Cómo hemos mejorado para brindarle el mejor servicio de hospedaje a nuestros estudiantes?

Ya casi es fin de año y en MS Homestays estamos muy orgullosos de haber culminado otro año lleno de experiencias con nuestros estudiantes, lamentablemente cada año hay que decir adiós pero también recibimos nuevos estudiantes preparados para vivir la aventura de estudiar en Montreal.

Como cada año nos gusta evaluar qué hemos hecho bien, cómo hemos mejorado, qué nos falta por lograr y cómo podemos brindarle a más estudiantes una experiencia inolvidable. Por eso nos gustaría conocer tu opinión y mejorar nuestros servicios para ti y más estudiantes.

Vivir en otro país es un reto y una experiencia única pero también conlleva una serie de responsabilidades, por eso año tras año nos dedicamos a apoyar a nuestros estudiantes en todo su trámite de hospedaje y ser sus guías en la ciudad.

Este año lanzamos nuestra guía de bienvenida, la cual incluye tips para que nuestros estudiantes puedan adaptarse más fácilmente a la ciudad, y también para conocer sobre los trámites que debe hacer al llegar a Montreal, tales como usar el transporte público, obtener una cuenta bancaria, etc.

Además, mejoramos la rapidez en la respuesta a nuestros clientes y prospectos a través de nuestros diferentes canales de comunicación: Facebook, Instagram y Whatsapp. Para nosotros no hay nada más importante que poder ayudarte en cualquier duda antes, durante y después de tu estadía en Montreal.

De igual manera en MS Homestays sabemos perfectamente que la seguridad es primero y buscar un alojamiento en el extranjero no es una tarea fácil, menos online, sin embargo, para darte mayor seguridad en tu proceso podemos hacer una videollamada y mostrarte nuestros alojamientos sin compromiso, puedes buscarnos en nuestras redes sociales personales para conocernos un poco más y saber quién está detrás de los mensajes, llamadas y correos que recibes, en MS Homestays nos preocupamos por tener una relación cercana con nuestros clientes. De igual manera, puedes verificar el registro de la empresa directamente en el Registre de entreprise du quebec. Es muy común que un alto porcentaje de estudiantes en Montreal sean estafados online para llegar a un alojamiento falso.

¿No sabes con quién te hospedarás en tu departamento compartido? ¿No estás seguro si te vas a llevar bien con tus roomates? En MS homestays sabemos cuán importante es para ti encontrar a los roomates ideales, es obvio querer vivir con personas que compartan los mismos intereses y gustos. Por eso, te mostramos un perfil que muestra los gustos e intereses de tus roomates para que los conozcas antes de llegar a Montreal. Además, al rentar con nosotros sólo pagas los días que te hospedas y no el mes completo en departamentos 100% equipados, olvídate de estar comprando utensilios de cocina, toallas, artículos de limpieza, etc. ¡Ojalá hubiera conocido una agencia así cuando nosotras venimos de intercambio!

Recientemente adquirimos un nuevo departamento en una de las zonas más trendy e icónicas de Montreal: Plateau. Es importante, y no nos dejarán mentir las personas que se han hospedado con nosotros, todos nuestros departamentos y homestays están ubicados en zonas seguras y cercanas al transporte público.

Finalmente, sabemos que estudiar en el extranjero es para viajar, experimentar y conocer, por eso, a través de nuestras redes sociales siempre estamos a tus órdenes, te brindamos asesoría en cualquier situación que se te pudiera presentar como problemas con tu homestay, tips y lugares que puedes visitar.

Nos gustaría conocer tu opinión a través de reviews en nuestra página de Facebook. ¡Tu voz hace la diferencia! Búscanos como @mshomestays en Facebook e Instagram.

Host family is home

When you come up with the idea of studying abroad you are sure it will be an unforgettable experience; however, you also know you will have to leave behind all you already know such as your family, school, friends, and everything you are used to in your hometown to live in an unknown country.

We understand how important it is for you to study abroad and we will make sure you feel like home while you are away.

We want to share with you the story of Ana, one of our exchange students, and her Host Family Barbara, one of our dearest families. Barbara is an incredible host because she is not only a host to the students but she is also a true family to them.

This summer Ana, a Mexican student came from Puebla to live with Barbara for 3 months and they became a true family.

“We enjoy each other’s company. In the morning I drop her off at the metro station and it’s like taking your child to school! It’s fun”. Barbara said.

Ana feels the same about living with Barbara who took Ana to Kyo Restaurant at the Old Montreal as she knows that Ana’s favorite food is Japanese.

We also asked Barbara how the experience of hosting Ana has been and she said something that really warmed our hearts:

“It was a wonderful experience. Thank you for sending her to me. I have a new Mexican family. I’ve Skyped with her Mum who is just the best person you could wish to know and who has opened her home to me anytime I want.”

Hearing these stories makes us really happy because we love to hear that both our students and families experience what the real purpose of our homestay programs is; create an extended family.

Ana has enjoyed her time studying and living in Montreal. We asked her what she would she say to other students that are considering staying with a Host Family:

Living with a host family has been a really enriching experience, you can learn from their culture and teach team a little bit of yours. They make you feel like you are in home and make the study abroad experience unforgettable.

For more information about our accommodation visit our website or contact us in Facebook or Instagram as @mshomestays.

Live with a host family in Montreal, Canada.

When you ask someone what a homestay is, most of the times they answer is staying in a family’s home. However, a homestay experience is a unique accommodation because what makes a homestay different to other types of accommodation are the hosts, they will be there during your stay, to welcome you and make it as enjoyable as possible.

Staying in a homestay you not only get to visit a destination, you get to really live it too! You will learn how the locals live, new traditions and costumes, besides, it is the cheapest options for housing. It doesn’t matter if you’re planning a short break for one week, if you’re going to study abroad or relocating to another country, a homestay is ideal to get familiar with a new culture.

Living with a host family allows you to experience a multicultural environment, meet new people from all around the world, practice your language skills, it gives you easy access to public transportation and a secure zone in the city you’re going to live, and the most important is that you will be like a new member of the family, you won’t be alone in a strange and new culture.

As a housing agency, we offer homestay experiences in Montreal, Canada, one of the best cities of the world to live. We want to assure you live an unforgettable experience, for this reason, we select carefully our hosts through a selective process.

  1. First of all, we have a golden rule: “If we wouldn’t like to live in that home, we do not recruit that family”.
  2. Then, potential families fill in a questionnaire to know the type of family they are. We ask information about how many people live in the house, birth date of each one, hobbies, jobs, what kind of the students they prefer, since when they started to be host, etc.
  3. Once we have their information, we filter families that live 50 minutes far away by bus or metro from the main schools. The families that live that far way are not selected.
  4. We interview the selected families to verify the information they gave us and we asked for a criminal record given by the Service de Police de la Ville de Montreal.
  5. We verify the spaces where students will be living, if they’re in good conditions and if they’re equipped for them.
  6. Finally, we score our potential host families according to this process to decide if it can be a host family or not from MS Homestays.

MS Homestays offers two options according to the necessities of the students: half board and full board. The half board includes 2 meals: breakfast and dinner, and full board includes 3 meals: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. To start your registration you have to pay a 30 CAD fee.

For more information visit our website or find us on Facebook and Instagram like MSHomestays.