What is the post-exchange syndrome?

Going abroad for studies or internships is a challenging and exciting experience; however, it is harder to come back home.

It’s obvious that when you are going abroad you are nervous and excited at the same time. As I have experienced, once you meet new people, explore new places, and get more responsibilities you become more independent. This independence gives you happiness and an incredible exchange or how it is worldwide well known, an unforgettable exchange experience.

What happens when you come back home and you feel like you already experienced a whole new life in the place where you studied abroad? It was your dreamed life so once you are back you start to feel sad, uncomfortable with your environment in your home country, and these could be symptoms of depression. Sometimes these symptoms can disappear in one or two months but if they don’t disappear, there can be serious consequences; you can be suffering of the post-exchange syndrome.

How do you know you are experiencing the post-exchange syndrome?

  1. You feel like an alien in your home country, your old school, with your old friends.
  2. You prefer to be chatting on Whatsapp and Facebook with the friends you left behind instead of enjoying being with your old friends.
  3. You feel like you are living an ordinary life.
  4. You want to keep traveling like you used to do it.
  5. You are not interested in anything new because you are only focused in desiring that things were just like before.

This is serious and if you feel like this, you should keep in mind that you are missing one part of your life that you already experienced. You need to establish new goals and adapt to your life in your home country. It can be the same school and same friends, but you can try new activities like swimming, dancing, meeting more people, etc.

If you feel like this is getting out of your hands, it is better to find some help with a professional. This syndrome is completely normal.


What is to be a homestay family?

Karla and me, Yesica, came to Montreal in 2008 to study English and French and lived with a local Homestay Family for six months. We can say that we lived the most incredible experience an international student could ever live!  We did not only meet a Canadian family but we met OUR Family as we are still in touch with them and we meet them a few times per month. After 11 years, they are always present for us!  We MS Homestays because we want to help more students to live the same experience we lived by offering personalized accommodation options according to their preferences.

Today, we want to introduce you to Sandra Roux. She has been part of our Homestay Families for many years. We can say she is an excellent host and she has also been a great mom to all the international students she has hosted. You can have the whole cultural experience of living in Canada with her. She speaks English, French, Italian, Norwegian and Creole.

Here is a brief message she wrote for all the students who are thinking about staying in her home:

“I am a kind and fun single mom and I have a very beautiful house in Montreal 15 min away from downtown and right beside all services, including bus in front of the house. My son and I love having fun and enjoying outdoor activities. I am a great entertainer and I would love to to make you discover Quebec and more on weekends. We would be happy to welcome you in a big furnished bedroom with all included: heat, TV, cable, Wi-Fi, desk, etc. In the house you will have unlimited access to kitchen, bathroom, laundry and swimming pool. The neighborhood is very calm with a lot of families and the riverside is to a 3 min walk distance where you can go relax by the water, bicycle or jog. I do A LOT of cooking! I cook everyday and I have a “one moth plan”. It means that I cook a different dish everyday and you won’t eat twice the same in one month.  I am very careful to cook balanced food, that is very important in our family. I will also give you several snacks a day in case you are a little hungry during the day. Living in our family is more than living in a homestay. It is having a full Canadian experience and really get in touch with the country, the culture and the life here.”

During the last semester Nasato Magani, a Japanese exchange student attending McGill University, stayed with Sandra and her son for six months. They had a great time hanging out in Montreal and its surroundings.

Hi Karla! I already arrived at Japan. I had a good staying in Montreal. Thanks to you, thank you for supporting me!!

We are so happy that other student had an amazing experience with his homestay during his exchange program in Montreal. If you are interested in living the Homestay Family experience and if you are looking for accommodation in Montreal or Toronto, contact us directly through our website. You can also find us on Facebook or Instagram as mshomestays.


¿Cómo hemos mejorado para brindarle el mejor servicio de hospedaje a nuestros estudiantes?

Ya casi es fin de año y en MS Homestays estamos muy orgullosos de haber culminado otro año lleno de experiencias con nuestros estudiantes, lamentablemente cada año hay que decir adiós pero también recibimos nuevos estudiantes preparados para vivir la aventura de estudiar en Montreal.

Como cada año nos gusta evaluar qué hemos hecho bien, cómo hemos mejorado, qué nos falta por lograr y cómo podemos brindarle a más estudiantes una experiencia inolvidable. Por eso nos gustaría conocer tu opinión y mejorar nuestros servicios para ti y más estudiantes.

Vivir en otro país es un reto y una experiencia única pero también conlleva una serie de responsabilidades, por eso año tras año nos dedicamos a apoyar a nuestros estudiantes en todo su trámite de hospedaje y ser sus guías en la ciudad.

Este año lanzamos nuestra guía de bienvenida, la cual incluye tips para que nuestros estudiantes puedan adaptarse más fácilmente a la ciudad, y también para conocer sobre los trámites que debe hacer al llegar a Montreal, tales como usar el transporte público, obtener una cuenta bancaria, etc.

Además, mejoramos la rapidez en la respuesta a nuestros clientes y prospectos a través de nuestros diferentes canales de comunicación: Facebook, Instagram y Whatsapp. Para nosotros no hay nada más importante que poder ayudarte en cualquier duda antes, durante y después de tu estadía en Montreal.

De igual manera en MS Homestays sabemos perfectamente que la seguridad es primero y buscar un alojamiento en el extranjero no es una tarea fácil, menos online, sin embargo, para darte mayor seguridad en tu proceso podemos hacer una videollamada y mostrarte nuestros alojamientos sin compromiso, puedes buscarnos en nuestras redes sociales personales para conocernos un poco más y saber quién está detrás de los mensajes, llamadas y correos que recibes, en MS Homestays nos preocupamos por tener una relación cercana con nuestros clientes. De igual manera, puedes verificar el registro de la empresa directamente en el Registre de entreprise du quebec. Es muy común que un alto porcentaje de estudiantes en Montreal sean estafados online para llegar a un alojamiento falso.

¿No sabes con quién te hospedarás en tu departamento compartido? ¿No estás seguro si te vas a llevar bien con tus roomates? En MS homestays sabemos cuán importante es para ti encontrar a los roomates ideales, es obvio querer vivir con personas que compartan los mismos intereses y gustos. Por eso, te mostramos un perfil que muestra los gustos e intereses de tus roomates para que los conozcas antes de llegar a Montreal. Además, al rentar con nosotros sólo pagas los días que te hospedas y no el mes completo en departamentos 100% equipados, olvídate de estar comprando utensilios de cocina, toallas, artículos de limpieza, etc. ¡Ojalá hubiera conocido una agencia así cuando nosotras venimos de intercambio!

Recientemente adquirimos un nuevo departamento en una de las zonas más trendy e icónicas de Montreal: Plateau. Es importante, y no nos dejarán mentir las personas que se han hospedado con nosotros, todos nuestros departamentos y homestays están ubicados en zonas seguras y cercanas al transporte público.

Finalmente, sabemos que estudiar en el extranjero es para viajar, experimentar y conocer, por eso, a través de nuestras redes sociales siempre estamos a tus órdenes, te brindamos asesoría en cualquier situación que se te pudiera presentar como problemas con tu homestay, tips y lugares que puedes visitar.

Nos gustaría conocer tu opinión a través de reviews en nuestra página de Facebook. ¡Tu voz hace la diferencia! Búscanos como @mshomestays en Facebook e Instagram.