Cheap and easy meals for students

Being a foreign student is not an easy job as everyone might think. We know that it is hard to find time to cook, clean, do grocery shopping, and run all other errands at the same time that you try to make time to study, do projects, homework, and prepare for exams.

Cooking and eating well are the most important things you must take care of; however, it is also one of the things students struggle the most with. That is why we are sharing with you some easy and inexpensive recipes you can cook while studying abroad.

Pork and peanut dragon noodles

Pork and Peanut Dragon Noodles - with VIDEO - Budget Bytes

Total cost: $3.75 recipe / $1.25 serving



  • 1/4cup chili garlic sauce ($0.53)
  • 1/4cup soy sauce ($0.24)
  • 1/4cup brown sugar ($0.16)


  • 1/2 ground pork* ($1.50)
  • 6 ramen noodles ($1.00)
  • 3green onions, sliced ($0.20)
  • 1/4cup unsalted peanuts, chopped ($0.12)


  1. Combine the chili garlic sauce, soy sauce, and brown sugar in a bowl.
  2. Add the ground pork to a skillet and cook over medium heat until it is fully browned*. Once browned, add the prepared dragon sauce and chopped peanuts. Allow the pork and peanuts to simmer in the sauce for another 5 minutes, or until the sauce has reduced by half.
  3. While the pork is browning, begin boiling water for your noodles. Once boiling, add your noodles and cook according to the package directions. Drain the noodles in a colander.
  4. Once the sauce has reduced and the noodles have drained, add the noodles to the skillet and toss until everything is combined and coated in sauce. Top with sliced green onions and serve!


Creamy tuna pasta with peas and parmesan

Creamy Tuna Pasta with Peas and Parmesan - Budget Bytes

Total Cost: $6.01 recipe / $1.50 serving


  • 8 pasta ($0.67)
  • 2Tbsp butter ($0.26)
  • 2cloves garlic, minced ($0.16)
  • 1cup frozen peas ($0.38)
  • 1cup half and half* ($0.75)
  • 1/2cup shredded Parmesan ($0.95)
  • 12 can solid albacore tuna, drained ($2.79)


  1. Bring a pot of water to a boil for the pasta. Once boiling, add the pasta and continue to boil until the pasta is tender. Drain the pasta in a colander.
  2. While the pasta is cooking, prepare the rest of the dish. Add the butter and minced garlic to a large skillet. Sauté the garlic over medium heat for about one minute, or just until it is soft and fragrant, but not browned.
  3. Add the frozen peas and season with a pinch of salt and pepper. Sauté for a couple of minutes more, or until the peas are heated through.
  4. Add the half and half to the skillet and allow it to come up to a simmer, stirring frequently to keep a skin from forming on the surface or the bottom from scorching. Let the half and half simmer for about 3-5 minutes, or just until it reduces slightly.
  5. At this point, the pasta should be finished and drained. Add the drained pasta to the skillet and stir to combine. Sprinkle the Parmesan over the pasta and stir to combine again. Allow the heat to melt the Parmesan as you stir. Once melted, turn the heat off. Taste the pasta and add a pinch of salt and pepper, if needed.
  6. Finally, add the drained tuna and fold it into the pasta. If you are using whole tuna chunks, break them up slightly as you stir. If you are using chunk light tuna that is already in small pieces, fold gently to avoid breaking the tuna up too much. Serve warm!


Hearty black bean quesadillas

Hearty Black Bean Quesadillas - Vegetarian - with VIDEO - Budget Bytes

Total Cost: $6.61 recipe / $0.66 serving


  • 1 15 oz.can black beans** ($0.56)
  • 1cup frozen corn kernels ($0.48)
  • 1/2small red onion ($0.44)
  • 1clove garlic ($0.08)
  • 1/4bunch fresh cilantro ($0.21)
  • 2cups shredded cheese ($2.50)
  • 1batch taco seasoning ($0.34)
  • 10taco sized tortillas ($2.00)


  1. Drain the can of beans and rinse lightly. Place the beans in a large bowl along with the corn (no need to thaw).
  2. Rinse the cilantro, remove the leaves, and chop roughly. Dice the onion and mince the garlic. Add the cilantro, onion, garlic, and shredded cheese to the bowl with the beans and corn. Lastly, mix up a batch of taco seasoning and add to the bowl. Stir everything until evenly mixed.
  3. Place a half cup of the filling on one side of each tortilla and fold over. Cook in a skillet on both sides over medium heat until brown and crispy and the cheesy filling has melted.
  4. To freeze the quesadillas, simply fill each one and place it on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Place in the freezer for one hour to solidify the quesadillas and then transfer to a freezer bag. To reheat either microwave (for a soft quesadilla) or cook in a skillet on low heat (make sure to use low heat so that the filling has time to thaw and melt before the outside burns).


For more recipes click here. (

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New Year’s Goal Setting Tips

January indeed seems like a new fresh start for everyone and it is the perfect time to set goals for the New Year; however, we know it is not easy to stick to your New Year’s resolutions.

It is hard to change old habits but it is not impossible and this year can be different with a few helpful tips to set your New Year’s goals.

First of all, write down all your goals and review them periodically. There is a high probability of failure if you don’t write your goals properly, not just anywhere. Keep your list in a place you can see them often to check your progress and give yourself a little bit of motivation.

Reviewing your goals is not enough, you need to make them measurable. To do this, you should keep in mind to set goals that can be measured in short periods, for example, I will only eat one chocolate per month, instead of I will stop eating chocolate forever.

Try to create goals in different areas of your life. Do not focus only on your finance or health. You can set work, relationships, and spiritual goals. By doing this, you are bound to see a ripple effect in all aspects of your life and you will get a big positive change.

Remember to set realistic and attainable goals. Don’t try to lose half of your weight in 12 months, get a new job that pays twice, etc.. It is better to set only one objective that involves many goals, by doing this you can accomplish smaller goals and achieve all your objectives.

Finally, why do you think New Year’s resolutions are so hard to fulfill? They are hard work and no one tends to notice if you give up on them! So, team up with your friends or family to accomplish a common goal together. Believe me, it will be easier for both of you!

New Year is coming and you need to be ready! I hope these tips were useful to you!


¿Cómo sobrevivir al invierno en Canadá?

Todos sabemos que Canadá es uno de los países más fríos del mundo, y para las personas que no están acostumbradas a climas tan extremos es más difícil adaptarse, sin embargo, no es imposible.

Una de las primeras cosas que debes tener en mente es que hay miles de actividades que puedes realizar al aire libre y en lugares climatizados. A pesar de esto es importante saber qué puedes hacer para cuidar tu salud y vivir la mejor experiencia durante tu estancia en Canadá.

¡Te compartimos algunos consejos que no debes pasar por alto para sobrevivir al invierno en Canadá!

  1. Abrígate lo suficiente.

Esta es la típica frase que tu mamá te dice cada vez que vas a salir de casa con un abrigo no muy calientito y está muy frío afuera. En Canadá es muy frío entonces… ¡No te arriesgues y escucha a tu mamá! Te recomendamos vestir en capas, empezando por ropa térmica ajustada al cuerpo, después usa un suéter de algodón o lana y finalmente una chamarra, chaquete o abrigo especial para bajas temperaturas y contra la humedad.

Es muy importante que toda tu ropa, incluyendo los guantes y los zapatos sea especial para la nieve para evitar la humedad de las bajas temperaturas.

  1. Hidrata continuamente tu piel.

Es muy común que en temperaturas de menos de -10°C la piel se seque, lo mismo pasa con el sol y el viento. Por eso te recomendamos usar una crema hidratante para la cara y el cuerpo, también es recomendable usar un labial para labios secos. Recuerda usar tu crema durante el día y antes de ir a dormir. Esto hará una gran diferencia durante tu estancia en Canadá.

  1. Prepara tu mochila o bolsa de mano con lo esencial.

Es muy recomendable siempre cargar con pañuelos desechables en tu mochila o bolsa de mano, ya que cuando hace mucho frío tu nariz empieza automáticamente a gotear. Además, recuerda que tu termo debe ser metálico, ya que los termos de plásticos tienden a quebrarse en temperaturas de -15°C. ¡No querrás tomar un hielo en un termo roto!

  1. Fortalece tu sistema inmunológico.

Es muy común pescar un resfriado o una gripa muy fuerte durante invierno, por eso, es mejor prevenir que lamentar. ¡No querrás estar enfermo durante tu estancia en Canadá!

Para prevenir un resfriado es muy recomendable consumir alimentos ricos en Zinc como champiñones, perejil, carnes magras, etc.; cada vez que haya un mínimo rayito de sol sal y disfrútalo, los rayos solares aumentan la vitamina D de tu cuerpo y en caso de que sea muy complicado te recomendamos tomar suplementos de vitamina D; lava tus manos con frecuencia; ejercítate; duerme con frecuencia pero no en exceso!; y come una dieta rica en antioxidantes y grasas saludables como té verde, aguacate, frambuesas, arándanos, etc.

  1. Prueba nuevos pasatiempos

Estudiar en el extranjero es una experiencia inolvidable, no dejes que el frío te detenga, hay muchas actividades en lugares climatizados y también al aire libre que puedes hacer.

Lo más recomendable es que por lo menos una vez durante toda tu estancia experimentes un deporte de invierno, cualquiera que te interese como el hockey, patinaje, etc. ¡Recuerda disfrutar de un delicioso chocolate caliente cuando termines!

¿Te gustaron nuestros consejos? ¿Planeas estudiar en Montreal? Nosotros podemos ayudarte con tu hospedaje y cualquier trámite relacionado con tu estancia en Montreal, como cuentas de banco, transporte público, etc. Para más información búscanos en Facebook e Instagram como MSHomestays.